Principal's Message
Principal's Message
Harris Hawks, every day is a good day to learn something new!
Welcome to Harris School! We are a school in constant pursuit of excellence. Harris students, staff, and parents are all a part of our community of learners. We are all focused on the improvement of student attendance and achievement.
Over the last six years, our student attendance has reached higher and higher levels. Thank you to all of our parents who have rearranged vacations, changed doctor appointments, and made sure students are here in class. We have additional staff this year to help parents get students to school. If your child had more than three absences, you may get a phone call or a knock at your door. We are here to help in any way.
Parents are welcome to volunteer to assist with materials for the classroom, fundraising through booster club, and reading with students in the classroom. There are many ways for parents to be involved including representing the interests of our students on School Site Council and District committees. We have a variety of classes for parents to help you with budgets, nutritional meals, and much, much more!
Our curriculum moves at a fast pace and lessons missed are often sequential and necessary for the next step. Harris Third, Fourth, Fifth,
and Sixth-grade students improved on their state tests. Parents can help by reinforcing basic math skills and requiring reading at home.
Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher any time there is a classroom concern. I am also available to assist with home and school communication. Please call the office to let me know. 661-631-5310.
Parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher any time there is a classroom concern. I am also available to assist with home and school communication. Please call the office to let me know. 661-631-5310.

Anne Lopez, Principal
Caroline Harris Elementary
Caroline Harris Elementary