School Fact Sheet
Caroline Payne Harris Elementary School
We are located in the Southwest area of Bakersfield in an urban area called West Park, with a mixture of housing, light industrial, and commercial enterprises. Currently, we have 526 students in grades Transitional Kindergarten through Sixth Grade, with several Special Education Classes, a Dual Immersion program for Kinder, and a First Grade Dual Immersion program starting at the beginning of the 2019-20 school year.
An active Parent Booster Club involves Parents in activities at the school such as Family Math Night, Science Night, Art, Daughter and Date Dance night, Fellows and Friends Night, School Carnival, etc. as well as a number of fundraising activities.
The Parent Center which is open daily has active classes on a weekly basis in areas of Family Fitness, Knitting, and Social Get Together's. Throughout the year classes are offered to assist our parents in areas of Education and raising successful children. A popular class Loving Solutions is a multi-week program that is offered in both English and Spanish. The most popular activity is the Parent Cafe's which offers everyone the opportunity to get together, have a light breakfast, discuss ideas, and have more personal contact with the school's administration.
The Music Program involves students in grades three through sixth in learning how to play an instrument, and participates in several concerts throughout the year, both for the students and in the evenings for our families.
The After-school Program offers tutoring and activities to over 200 of our students after the regular school day until 5:30 pm. This program is operated in conjunction with the Bakersfield Boy's and Girl's Club.